Explore the seasons

A frosty and sunny morning in December in The Imperfect Garden

A frosty and sunny morning in December in The Imperfect Garden

Before I learned about gardening I used to harbour the romantic notion of nature going to sleep in the winter and the garden year beginning in spring. I was, of course, wrong. There is no end. The end, if there were one, is not a new beginning. Nature does not start all over again. It is not a cycle nor a linear progression but a continuum, which weaves and meanders through time.

The planting in the garden should not force an artificial, uniform look all year but celebrate nature by reflecting its seasonality. This way the garden can cater for the needs of its residents and visitors, wildlife and human.

A garden should also provide food, water and shelter for the wildlife and interest for the human residents throughout the year.

Discover An Imperfect Garden at different times of the year. You can also connect with me on Mastodon, where I post mainly about the garden.



