Nudes and Nude Portraits 2002—2014

The nude portraits in this portfolio were created between 2002 and 2014 in my studio, garden and on location. I see this collection of nude portraits as a retrospective.

Nude portraits are simply photographs of people without clothes. We are all constructed the same and we all look the same. I want to capture the essence of a person, the spell of a moment and how people relate to each other.

Most of my nude photo sessions are for private clients. The resulting photographs are, of course, not for publication. The photographs in this portfolio were all, except one or two, made with the help of models.

I remember a particular nude photo session in 2018. It went really well. The photographs were beautiful. When I was working on the photographs I suddenly knew that I wanted to take a break from photographing nudes. At that moment nudes seemed no longer relevant. Maybe I had photographed too many people without their clothes.

Several years on, a new body of work of nudes is slowly taking shape, which I am hoping to publish in the not too distant future.

I also accept commissions. If you would like me to photograph you, please contact me.